Exposure to competition on a national scale:
The MI Champs Olympiad exams help students gain exposure to the learning levels, and learning styles, of their peers on a national scale. This exposure helps students gauge their own learning levels in comparison to the learning levels of their peers. This in turn helps them to develop their potential to perform in higher level competitive exams such as JEE, CA, NEET and UPSC.
Connection to Career Councillors
In the development of students another important aspect, in the MI Champs India outlook on ‘21st Century Skill’ based education, is connecting budding students to Career Councillors. MI Champs India would be connecting 9th and 10th grade students to Career Councillors for guidance on future professional prospects, based on the student’s unique skills exhibited in the Olympiads.
Developing ‘21st Century Skills’ for future success
Participating in the MI Champs Olympiads, and practicing skills like reasoning, analytical thinking, language skills and problem-solving, helps students gain crucial experiences to develop ‘21st century skills’ which are indispensable for future success. Taking part in these Olympiads helps the self-confidence of students and motivates them to give importance to concept based learning and logical thinking rather than learning by rote. As a corollary, the thinking/learning process of the child is sharpened resulting in better grasp of concepts being taught in school.
‘Olympiad’ Exams & Appreciation
Through participation in the MI Champs Olympiads, and aspiring to do well in these exams, the student receives appreciation from prominent people and organisations. This appreciation goes a long way in developing the motivation of the child to become a ‘self-learner’ in the future. The recognition gained by the student, for accomplishments in these Olympiads, acts as a benchmark for future efforts and improves the self-esteem.
The last date to register for the exam is September 1st, 2024. Hurry.