All India Science Challenge Exam (AISCE)
Concept based; logical thinking is considered the backbone of innovation in today’s world. For a young student to be designated as a ‘top performer’, in the present global scenario, the student needs to possess analytical thinking skills. These can be developed by the student only if they are nurtured from a young age. MI Champs India’s All India Science Challenge Exam (AISCE) does exactly this.
Through the preparation for and attempting of the AISCE, students gain a deeper grasp of scientific ideas. As the focus of the exam is on application-based learning, the insights that student gather, about their learning, are very beneficial for the long term. The ‘challenges’ faced in the exam are more intellectual and difficult, developing the student to grasp the material being taught in school better. Students learn to think in an application-oriented manner and learn to respond to different problems in varied ways.
The specific details on the conduct of the exams, is given below:
Grades covered in the exam: Grade 3 to Grade 10
Boards & Syllabus Covered: CBSE, ICSE and SSC school syllabus. The syllabus covered till November 2023 would be applicable for the exam.
Total Number of Questions: 40 Questions (OMR Based)
Total Marks: 40 Marks (1 mark per question)
Duration of the Exam: 1 Hour (60 Minutes)
Mode of the Exam: Offline
Cost of the exam: Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty Only) per child per exam.
Centre for the exam: Your respective school
Last Date to Register for the Exam: August 30th, 2024.
In the development of students another important aspect, in the MI Champs India outlook on ‘21st Century Skill’ based education, is connecting budding students to Career Councillors. MI Champs India would be connecting 9th and 10th grade students to Career Councillors for guidance on future professional prospects, based on the student’s unique skills exhibited in the Olympiads.
For Sample Questions papers, containing prospective questions to be asked in the Olympiad Exams, Please reach out to us